Monday, March 22, 2010

Sample Powerpoint Wedding

Nihon, Brother's Complex, Play - DURARARARARARA!


Even with this weather I hope you will have a

Yaho Minna-san! Aaah ~ What a shame, as the title suggests I'm not very motivated to make article = /! I always edit the Reborn the last time, then make the anime impressions, and the news, knowing that an article I take a lead, bah I do not really want to spend my Monday afternoon to do! Because for once (though admittedly), for exceptional reasons, I ended up at 11.15 just after the movie with high school> w \u0026lt; ! The rain does not arrange anything in my laziness! So for now bah a little blah, just to say the article is here and will be published with lots of nice stuff, full, when I have time because it is long = (! What bothers me most is that I had to put the new spring / summer to come with a small dot on what I was looking at but the release of some of them already started!

I just put the program section to give you a taste =)!

EDIT: it is good that eventually you will be entitled to this article> w \u0026lt;!

Here are the impressions Sainkoku Monogatari , Sister Princess , Darker Than Black Ookiku Furikabutte & and other are! Many blabla also because some series have been seen a moment ago I filled with what I remember xD! Program:

Saiunkoku Monogatari ( Anime ) 1 to 22

Synopsis : In the distant past, Shuurei Ko, a young teacher, tries to earn money to survive and maintain the big house where she lives with her father, the publisher of the Emperor.

Despite his high rank of nobility, his family is very poor indeed. That is why she accepts without hesitation the suggestion of counsel for the Emperor without even knowing it when he dangled him a large sum of money.

She then finds himself married to him, discovering that he is attracted to men and not interested in politics to make change, along the plane of the adviser.

Impressions At first a bit puzzled, I fell for this anime ( much for SP * ). These are primarily graphics-close to those of Full Metal Panic , I expect to see one day - which attracted me and the side feudal Japan.

And on that side, I'm not disappointed, corporate actions are perfectly revealed and the atmosphere is very pleasing to the ear. Furthermore although the'héroïne middle of a harem ( abusive ) of hunks is not provided very nunuche ( HOUR ). bishos .... And the few that are currently bishos the classic "too smiling to be honest "," the tsundere "," childhood friend who would be more than that "and" that has conquered "^ ^ '!

Sure, the pattern is classic but the series does not sink in the neu-neu : the s colors give sparkling fishing and is not bored yet. Against the backdrop of ancient legend, the story is slowly taking place. With a fairly substantial political aspect even hired (women in politics). Also the characters are wacky and they get me really laugh XD! I even came to record the aftershocks or passages "flagship" which I thought excellent XD. Currently even if the achievement is not always equal, I keep a good overall impression! It's funny, sometimes poignant and all mixed with political issues fairly, in my opinion, a real weight to this series!

So of course I would look through and I would even season 2, and I suggest if you want to change lives schoolgirls, fights ninjas and other mecha , attention, however, you must like anime harem where everyone wants the protagonist or for him!
/ "\\ Spoilers:
And just to quote the famous passages XD! Already I was disappointed by the fact that we learn from the episode 3 that Seiran is the former prince, I got along really that this is a big revelation at the end of the series and all wrong bah! But hey, at least for once the people are not (made for) idiots, it was so obvious after all XD! Then the Emperor really makes me laugh with his "detector Shuuhei to "it's so cute and naive at the time! Cons-balanced and its lack of delicacy when he and Shuuhei found in the brothel, and he launches full of confidence: "I can do to Palace." Similarly, the younger brother of General is "magic" with her "soul sister No. 1 and No. 2 soulmate" 8D! Brief but good times! Second disappointment, the results of the contest: I Shuuhei so loved that finish first! ° to ° ==> and following.

Sister Princess ( Anime ) 1 to FIN

Synopsis: is the story of a young boy who would have liked be integrated into a very popular school, but he could not be accepted. After returning home, his manager told him that his father left. Agents take care of him and took him to an island called weird enough Promised Island. There he meets strange people and regularly reviews its manager, who assures him that there are several copies of the same person throughout the world. During the day, it helps many girls and also help by them, but it is much later that he discovers that they are his sisters. But the most troubling is that more of his sisters appear: he discovered a 13 which is not his sister ...

Impressions ... Currently the biggest disappointment of the holiday ^___^'? What say I start the series there are between 2 and 4 years . At the time the graphics really attracted me even if story is, admittedly, very wobbly but the multitude of characters classes / cute me motivated. Only at that time I had neither the time nor the place on my PC to watch the series, so I was forced to stop at the e ; episode 11 ...
And here I am over the February vacation to want to return and finish what I started ...
Only Times have changed! Is this progress charts / techniques that make me itchy eyes episodes?
Until all is well bland, the episodes are mostly poorly-made and some characters are more that exasperating : Sakuya squarely lack of a man, too energetic Hinako and Karen too little hypocrite holy . The ost are equally bland . The only thing remarkable is the presence of the seiyuu ' Usopp (One Piece ) but even the dubbing is poor! Especially in the end, her character is not REALLY but then all the series I've seen, ANYTHING REALLY! From beginning to end we equest of why he is there, because in the end everyone mocks him here or not XD! Another negative point: the time with a round of the 12 sisters whenever__@, it is quickly tiresome. With the number they are it is almost impossible that they never intersect the floor, not ° A °?

Actually unless uninspired in. ur create a People, I advise to avoid this series unless you're like me, one to go through to get some otaku culture ^ ^ '!

Furthermore, for something which dates from 2001 perhaps should we be lenient ^___^" ;? Yet One Piece dating from 1999 had its time a best director , perhaps is it a matter of a studio? Still I must say that some episodes were property (to 15-17/22-24), although the story is Chikage "WTF O___o they cracked? " . At the" final "even the final is disappointing, my interest had a boom with the arrival of" big MÉ singing buddy who plays the "Wataru came back, and it which starts in a second state, the voltage "was at its height" at the end of episode 24 ... And épisode25 beginning with his return to the I ; with the passage high voltage is summed up by a flashback can :
"O_______O ... BUT IT'S NOT TRUE
Let us add that we do not even give real details on the true nature of their promise, what were the circumstances for each sister, and how a poor guy ends up with 12 sisters and a brother?? I feel like watching 26 episodes with no real content, I still enjoyed the return of Grandma at the end (she's cute ^ ^) .

Darker Than Black ~ Ryusei no Gemini ( Anime ) 1 to 12 (FIN)
-yeah I was so long to be artible 1-6 I finished the series =__=-

Synopsis: In Siberia, while camping in the woods, a pilgrim mother and her two children, twins named Shion and Suou , are found exposed to a mysterious meteor shower. Following the incident, Shion lost an eye and became a contractor whose compensation is deprived of the use of his legs.

Two years later, while his brother is kidnapped by his father at home so it can not hurt anyone, Suou following a peaceful life with his classmates Nika and Tanya . Unfortunately for her, one day her whole world turns into violence. In Indeed, Shion finally finished paying his salary to his power and different organizations like MI6 and the CIA decided to capture him. However, because of their resemblance is seen Suou track instead of the latter. It was at this point that emerges from the shadows a shadow of the past. Haunted by his memories, that we nicknamed the black shinigami is determined to ruthlessly eliminate anyone who will get in his way ...

Impressions Well the second season is really surprising without being in truth because my brother had a spoil many key elements. I really felt sorry for Suou when she found her mother but it is really horrible Suou poor. Meanwhile Misaki is still useless though I liked when she deals Suou and July ^ ^ '!

Because it is a pad on the full season and not episodes 1-6 I can not go on details, but still many questions were ; asked and only some have been resolved >___\u0026lt; why July knows the "Alice dolls? That's happened to Yin lose the pedals? Speaking of Yin, I really liked how it appears with the blue hair shining O___o. And if I WTF absolutely do not think we would hear about re-Amber! In short many reversals for change: between the betrayals, the Magician, Hei and Yin, and all that again from zero "Yin"? Hmm, the end is rather hard to swallow as much as that of Season 1> __ \u0026lt;! We are happy while being disgusted! I am rather puzzled to be honest, we can not talk about a bad ending ( I think the new situation is promising Misaki = O) but we remain disappointed by the turn events.

Having regained Hei decadent, alcoholic and angry and in good health, all beautiful, all clean, we would have expected more I guess. Certainly as the first season is all very dark and you let yourself take in the game but I must say that this final season two very promising (Hei with such early season it could only let us consider the grandiose) has not matched a season, even if everything is still very good.
You may have noticed I have not addressed the usual techniques because I think there is nothing wrong with the series on that score, the realization is nice sticks to the atmosphere, and everything, just for OST.

Ookiku Furik drunk head ( Anime ) 8-25 (FIN)

Impressions * fangirls you * I love it! I love it! I love it! Ookiku is a bit my Shonen Kiwi , strange words you say but what I really think with this atmosphere, just a little "not the big brutes " and in a sense is what makes me appreciate the series. While I never got used to the atmosphere strange friendship that emerges from these boys (and I am a little season 2 for it XD) he will brief s 'say that for those who missed the previous article I recommend the series! ~ Nyooo new generic roxx too x3!
B ref, the second part of the series have me glued to my seat! O__o With the arrival of new characters, the tournament Touhei cons, Haruna (e the passage in the toilet was simply hilarious XD ), the game against Touhei with Tajima's missing the ball · , A °, I say no more not really spoiler but I was frustrated at the end of each episode XD! Dodo-obligate

/ "\\ Spoiler: The game against Touhei, unlike cons Mihoshi, did not seem to last too long but it torture to my heart >___\u0026lt; ;! I was really appalled at some point because the ball seemed not good XD! Quiche what I do so! The biggest surprise came Tajima who missed almost all balls O__o! And what a disappointment when left and reference 7 balls and up to do it anyway >___\u0026lt; out! Then I thought he would be shot was boasting to be able to return any ball but instead he goes on as if nothing had happened, with his super strength and the cry when he grows Finally it returns the ball
then live the contest supporters Other passage well before the game fun girl who comes back with information on Touhei as if she had gone on an island desert XD!
Realistic or not I loved this series * O * I suggest, um not to a specific genre of people, just like if you do not you take the lead and good funny anime, Dark = D!

Kobato ( Anime ) 17 to , 22
Impressions Hannnnn O___o! What surprises, the anime goes back a bit in my esteem with the latest episodes! You learn more about Fujimoto and Kobato Okiura.
Doumoto really made me sorry for the episode Christmas DOBATO >___\u0026lt; BAKA! Then he must stop playing with the lights! Ok,
of a sudden it shines but it's pretty good in real life it does not light kira kira because a girl sings >___\u0026lt;! ! For Okiura, the revelation was quite "low" and a little too "everything is pseudo-pseudo-well that ends well" ( yeah, school is still demolished ). Moreover, after the Christmas episode we were treated to lots of nice Fujimoto smiling as in the manga then HOP, it reverts to "I'm a killjoy and I sulk all the time! It was really horrible with Kobato when its time to pick up the candy is coming to an end >____\u0026lt;! Otherwise the episode 20 with Tsubasa was simply brilliant, well almost, I found that the company was somewhat distorted and then the episode sounded hollow = (! Apparently this is happening after the end of the manga TRC-thank you for the spoiler (y) - "Moreover the " Mokona Modoki Doki Doki " I missed when they changed dimension! Then Fye, Hyu ~ Hyu ~ he has a real appreciation on Kobato! The fact that the authors have played the voice of Kurogane and was well found Ioryogi = D! short more than 4-5 episodes and it's all over! We reserve more = O??

Durarara! ( Anime ) 6

Impressions Well, well my little dose too crash of the week ( finally a few weeks ago ) phew what episode! Izaya is really fishy >___\u0026lt;! The episode did not specifically rained but it was nonetheless interesting, since being discovered more about the other characters, having read the I must say that except manga important events, I do not really found between the two, then in the end I really want to read the novel >___\u0026lt;!

In the meantime if I spoke of 6 was mainly to address the preview of 7 XD! IZAYAAA-KUNNN & Shizu-chan are in the spotlight it seems (finally for sure now that I've seen XD ) we finally understand, at least, that we have a flashback with Izaya and Shizu ... ^___^ I can not wait! But what I most looking forward is how Mikado will end up mixed with Dollars ( ah bah we know that too XD ) or less how things will evolve and Kida's past seems to have been part of a gang color (see episode with 5 + all the blank stares he does well there will be an index by the end of the series O__O Unless this is a likely season 2!-need to dream XD! ) & WAIT SEE! WAIT & SEE >___\u0026lt;!

Stay tuned = D!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tsuna smiley © Artist who made them
© Pixiv 's artist (can't read japanese)
Each serie belongs to its author
Sypnosis ©


Monday, March 8, 2010

What Is A Bumb On The Sid Eof My Calf

Anime, Video Games & Goodies - Reborn is back at 12am = D!



Hi! Hi! Everybody okay? You know what? It is Monday! And on Monday I go out go out at 14:30 ... Except in times of crisis the school work let alone ... The Truce of jokes, to be more explicit now my class ES / L is open exchanges with those who leave school and those who come, and to make matters worse the history teacher had to leave too ... Knowing that for such series in history holds a lot of time during ... Bah I'm on vacation! = D

Timetable amended death that kills next-scan-

Today, unlike at the same time due to that announced my 'To Do List "no anime impressions, since I am not as advanced in the playoffs than I expected !

But rejoice, this article will focus on ... = D REBORN! I tell myself that I really warmed people with that because if you ask me to mimic it "Ah Reborn! AH! Kyaa! Reborn the last chapter "

First I'll talk a little all the news!

Katekyo Hitman Reborn! DS Fate of H eat III - Yuki no Shugosha Raishuu!

The next FOH released April 29, 2010 in Japan ( originally scheduled 15 April of that year ) on the console
portable Nintendo.

Currently, despite all my efforts , I have not found so much information on the history -as well as I & FOH ; II-
Profuit by Marvelous, the game will surely the same principle as these two predecessors! What I like about this series of games are the new characters introduced. And unlike FOH I & II I have to say that the newcomer has really tickled >___\u0026lt; my curiosity! A design class (although between the Xanxus and Gokudera xD) and keeper snow no less!

E t we do not hesitate to offer a limited edition really worth it! And I'm even regret not owning a DS

Level gameplay and graphics such little info but for the few I saw my impression that the graphics are slightly worse than other games but at the same time difficult to compare who hit only once on a KHR PSP from a friend.

I leave this part of the post pending, I edit when I have more information.


KHR Like any popular series has its share of goodies monthly but I have to show what I think bva be small Pearl fans XD.

  • Katekyo Hitman Reborn! CGC X Booster Vol.1 has been announced for April 30, 2010 Japan ruez sites you pre-order because of experience that kind of goodies to share incredible speed and often become hard to find >_____\u0026lt;! In some damn big fans !

Source: CD Japan
  • Vongola Saikyou no Carnivale 3

To echo
to this article , I I solved the mystery of Kyoko & Haru. It was thus the illustration of promotional poster of 3 ° "Vongola Saikyou no Carnival", if I'm not mistaken, that is write-only memory is a kind of concert where seiyuu sing Character And songs are full of stuff XD Yes .... I'm not super informed. The concert took place in December and January and the last DVD of the event will be released next March 17 (as always in Japan = P).

Anyway >___\u0026lt; beautiful posters! I do not like Chrome but keeping all the characters on their 31, what happiness for all / e fan XD! Powa BG girls! People know to do their work to meet fans = P ('more or less end XD)

  • Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Rebo-Chara Collection ~ Saikyo No Nakamatachi 【collection1] ~
Release date: April 7, 2010
Price: 2.940 yen
The DVD will contain:
C haracter Target Movie is a selection of the best scenes characters , edited
S pecial Music Clip worm. Tsuna, Goku, XANXUS
Opening & our 3 credit without working together in a special clip! An entire song with rare footage and never seen.

Dying Will Afurecord
share for a fan to Have an experience
recording impressive scene (with scripts)
Mini Anime Mysterious Box of Ciao Ciao Interview vol.1】

Source: LJ , CD Japan & Pony Canyon Website

  • Katekyo Hitman Reborn - SD & Mini Figure Vol 5 Deformed Figures Vol. 2

Release Date: July 30, 2010
Made in Japan by Takara Tomy ~ 7 cm

KAWAIII >////\u0026lt;! Feudal Japan Style Edition? * A * (Yeah must have good knowledge of goodies to know what I mean) but HAN DEED ! By cons makes me laugh since the release of DS is the 3rd time that appears Tsuna, 5 & 4 ° Hibari Mukuro (if you think the SD1 : 27-80-18-59-Lambo ; SD2 : 69-96 -Ryo-18-27 ; SD3 : Squalo-Xanxus-Dino-18 -69 ; SD4 : 27-59-18-69 & therefore SD5 we next 100-27-18 - Lambo, 69-Reborn ...

These 3 are definitely very popular here XD! I'm glad Byakuran to change the big O = class! Otherwise Hibari makes me laugh with his "tonfas" (sorry not exact name)! It goes without saying that I would buy this pack * O *! Even Lambo and Reborn because it manages the steak! > W \u0026lt;

Release date: May 31, 2010 Made in Japan by Bandai
~ 3.5 cm
Set of 6 capsules each with a figurine a base and a key fob chain.

And yes they did ! There are few times that I talked about
Kaibutsu Tsuga Tsuna! and how much surprised to find figurines = O! Extreme cuteness , not much to say, I have not yet had the opportunity to buy the MD including VOL.1 Spanner-Xanxus Bel-Squalo Tsuna, so I do Can not say too much about the quality of the product. Well I have not discussed above since it goes without saying that except for some defects RARE bonding and plastic bar that sometimes seems impossible to return =__=, miniatures are very good! In all cases
I would let me try this little collection probably less expensive than the above, less-bulky overpopulation figure you know >___\u0026lt;- and then Tsuna and his friends monsters are so too fungi * fangirl >___>*.

Source: LJ &

KHR Anime & Manga

2 "ads"

The cover of Volume 28 -sorry I do not know the release date and too lazy to search today >___\u0026lt; -
class as usual = D!

And the announcement of a new arc that will take place between HS between the Choice and the final battle with the list of doublers guards the first general ; remuneration:

The doublers are: Yuki Masuda
for G (Storm) has no major roles to her credit.
Shoma Yamamoto for Asari Ugetsu (Rain), Actor in Cutie Honey. Hidenobu Kiuchi
for Knuckle (Sun) is the same as Ryohei.
Takashi Kondo for Allaud (Clouds) is the same qu'Hibari. Kenjiro Tsuda
for Lampow (Lightning) is the same as adult Lambo. Atsushi Kosaka
for Demon Spade (Mist) has also had only small roles.

Source: LJ

Otherwise, much to say, I would like to talk to some point XD! So / "\\ SPOILERS /! \\
Recently I acquired the delay in terms of both chapters of the anime. So I enjoyed the manga yesterday and two last Saturday to advance to the anime. And for a change, shall we say WTF XD anime.

In chapters certainly Amano is "pleased" with the connection between past and present, which brackets is not as WTF as I feared I would say the very final class with all 1 ° Keepers reflections (I think I really loved the reflections Demon Spade Allaud & G, so close to the current custodians XD) but mostly it continues to do what's a detail that makes me "huge ; ment "appreciate his work is the establishment of a world" restricted "I mean, even if it now has a large number of characters to manage, it knows how to use or rather the re-use. The best examples are Mukuro & Lancia during battles rings & Irie like Cervellos (not the sharp ones, if there is an upcoming arc ... AND THERE WILL BE A è____é, this regard it should be organization rather than fishy XD! In the meantime I wish the ring to serve Lancia finally something XD, well I really wanted to see if it would have served to something else ... But one more class may not have everything. Otherwise bou Kingdom >__\u0026lt;, but I was wondering with a DA artist ... If all are important arcobalenos why should it be sacrificed? In any case I say it's currently too easy if history ends like this ... WAIT AND SEE O___o.

Instead anime depresses me, too many kills HS HS ... Bleach is the best example, Naruto is not far behind. Already the great pity, but pity me're saying is that they took with them "AIRBIKE AT THE WALNUT ! But how something as classy as the bikes of the manga can be something corny and childish but a force O__O! But frankly WHAT THEY HAVE DONE ????? Ultimate sacrilege. Both HS Chrome and Yamamoto went well -although I must say that Yamamoto's bothered me because in truth it is really solved during his Driving with Squalo what I think makes the decision all the more important it is taken without the influence of Tsuna & others - has
utant OMG but these "airbike" O____O ! Then the characters are really stripped of all sides who between Tsuna can not do the bike without the training wheels - pity what, he already had attention Dr. Kokuyo to qualify as a "class" - and that goes for Gokudera rabat-joie/lèche-botte/racaille service - delete as - as the tortoise Sky / Sun - yeah you can not test but it is also keyed that Gokudera it to several waves of flames in the belly - which eggs with people who leave ... you have me BRIEF understood, inspires me to despair ! Finally it's not as if all the HS were zero, if we take the Arc Arcobalenos-supervised by the author herself >___>- it was class, although cliche XD . Halves of the same episodes of the Daily Life HS remained there drinking but I can not appreciate humor warmed, at least that destroys the essence of the character as we see in manga. KHR far has been "censored" going so far as transforming motorcycle classes in pseudo-power rangers ... to satisfy a wider audience, readers of manga are taken SOME for fools> __ \u0026lt;! In short I think that ultimately I would appreciate me more and more re-re-re-re-watched the early days of anime ( so until at least 84 and some even 110 / start the infiltration of the base Melone ) the end of Melone and Choice = /. OST was good and very more good episodes niaiserie stop it!

* ☆ * ★ ☆ * * * ★ ☆ * * ★ ☆ * ★ * ☆ * ★ * ☆ * ★ ☆ * * * ★ ☆ * * ★ ☆ * * ★ ☆ * ★ * ☆ * ★

Finally already 3 hours as I write and I can hardly see the end, I can not say the end I must return to FOH3. I hope that I put at least 2h post excuse the lack of MAJ. With that, I am going back to my homework XD, because even if I finished 12 I des devoirs...ET OUI, on bosse aussi en L.

Edit 1 : [The second DVD of Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Rebo-Chara Collection ~Saikyo no Nakamatachi will release on 2010.5.7

This 2ndDVD contains the data about   Hibari, Bell and Dino.

resource >>
::click:: ]