Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tay Du Ky 1998 Retail

Holidays, Holidays & VACATION \u0026lt;3! - Reborn? O__o


Q ue in a good mood in a way = D! So always keep our little impressions on the Naim watch now that you seem to do much but tell you that it will not last XD! Once the holidays finished I think it will be much more punctual ^__^"!

But before we go to anime:
O__________o * Faint *

Aha! My first impression after the spoils of chapter 277 of XD Reborn! Amano is really fun, a little too well because WTF?! XD Well I must say not bad but a little too focused on the string of fangirl? XD I know I'm not happy while telling me she not break your head. Brief case to follow the VF.

Pandora Hearts ( Anime ) 14 - END


bah And the second part of the series made me completely changed my mind x) .

The story takes a turn from the 12/13/14 episodes and I must say it was difficult for me "win" in Computer I finished several times to go to bed at 4am with the famous "a final and I stop ... BUT NOT ! What this episode I want more! "
I love about the changing character of Oz XD and I love Jack! Eventually Alice is not put forward and so it is no worse for not having too many Moe-Moe-Kyun. Other clincher, the crossover increasingly stark Alice in Wonderland, I loved ^///^'. Although happy that it is the Raven 10 years later that accompanies Oz, not the whining of Gil ^__^"!
I do not really know what to say without spoilers too but WTF few episodes that have crept between serious phases of history were really excellent! I was really struggling not to laugh at 3am with parents who sleep beside XD! Gil and Alice who assaulted this poor maid and Oz and Sharon who put them face to face! Really good episode. In the end I really loved the end of the series, except 25 who really finished fishtail O__o-out characters a bit of the context in which they were confined to the start of the series, the OST are graphically stunning and nothing worse than the best, D!

In the end I would say that Pandora Hearts is an anime full of emotions as diverse as amazing with colorful characters that create a complex world in which we want to take part. Hard to tell without a spoiler, but it is definitely an anime that I recommend.

Nodame Cantabile ( Anime ) 1-4


After my review of the previous post I do not really have much to add except that the tone of the series began be given, it is with joy that we find a Nodame and Chiaki prey to setbacks in their lives. Nodame an unhappy not being able to participate in contests and much more worker. And Chiaki does not hesitate to move because of noise in the apartment or from traveling for work, leaving this poor Nodame * A *-sentenced to feel one of these folders to find the strength to work -

The episode 4 was super cute : Chiaki Nodame to apologize for not coming >///\u0026lt;! Kawaii desu ~ Then limit jealous with all the calls get Nodame = D! I can not wait to see how their relationship will evolve between rival Nodame, Chiaki & Work studies Nodame! It's always a little freshness and love in this world of shounen!

Darker Than Black ~ Ryusei no Gemini ( Anime ) 1-6

Synopsis: In Siberia while camping in the woods, a father and his two children, twins named Shion and Suou find themselves exposed to a mysterious meteor shower. Following the incident, Shion loses an eye and became a contractor whose compensation is deprived of the use of his legs.

Two years later, while his brother is kidnapped by his father at home so it can not hurt anyone, Suou following a peaceful life with his classmates Nika and Tanya . Unfortunately for her, one day her whole world turns into violence. Indeed, Shion finally finished paying his salary to his power and different organizations like MI6 and the CIA decided to capture him. However, because their resemblance is seen Suou track instead of the latter. It was at this point that emerges from the shadows a shadow of the past. Haunted by his memories, that we nicknamed the black shinigami is determined to ruthlessly eliminate anyone who will get in his way ...

Impressions So I "swallowed" Season 1 -I have not mentioned here I waited a while to continue. I wanted first time to remember all the supremacy of season 1 more than the preview that I had with the catastrophic change Hei long hair and unshaven alcoholic who hits the small girl ... Bah me rather cool I must say .-

Currently the season poses many questions and more we advance the more you a. We Hei found a really seems exhausted and the enemy of all. But determined to kill Yin, at least in the back (WTF). The character of Suou is quite enigmatic and we ask lots of questions about its origins, especially when one sees his brother ^__^". However the fact that his weapon so as magical girl makes the character a bit ridiculous but I was glad >___> found in Mao (a squirrel WTF) and July! And Misaki is not a little to nothing to change. Despite all this second season is not faring too badly for what I saw. I regret a little arcs that showed independent power Hei P but we feel that the scenario focuses on one main story and the mystery of it will not be an easy to solve! Graphically it's beautiful music as well! I really enjoy the opening and some nags OST well in combat >////\u0026lt;"!

I would go to the end of the season obviously !

Affairs to follow = D!
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Tsuna smiley © Artist who made them
Each serie belongs to its author
Sypnosis ©


Monday, February 8, 2010

Letter Of Reconsideration

Holidays, Vacations and Holidays - The project is ongoing.


Have a

So I keep in my tracks on my last impressions, currently on holiday recently and I am tarting momentum otaku! The program summary Kobato Tegami Bachi & and commencement of Durarara! , Pandora Heart & Ookiku Furikabutte . Needless to say I speak mainly of technical detail because I want to give everyone the pleasure of discovering plots and stories by himself.

Kobato ( Anime ) 1-16

Kobato is a nice girl but a little naive, whose mission is to treat as many people as possible in collecting wounded feelings in his magic bottle, but not to fall in love .
Accompanied by her advisor, the plush dog Ioryogi , she discovers life on Earth and our customs gradually. His good humor and his unwavering commitment will be his greatest strengths in his quest. Succeed in achieving
she realize her own desire?


Being a big fan of CLAMP , and really enjoying the manga I jumped with joy on hearing that would Kobato adapted into anime, which is more Madhu is . But now, four months later the fad fell, although the graphics sometimes suffer from irregularity, everything remains the same excellent that the OST & animlation. But then, the story revolves round seriously .

Like many anime whose chapters are monthly ( moreover Kobato chapters of which only 20 are left ) we get a lot of HS. At first it's quite nice to discover new stories, but most were cross-over removed, the anime was clean - Okiura not smoke-, Fujimoto is truly remote and uncomfortable with Kobato even if it shows more of its good sides.
... In the end the stories are too repetitive and it is somewhat easier to push the song to treat people. The Kobato manga has much more charisma and potential >/////\u0026lt;!

Certainly when I looked Mermaid Melody, it was not flying high, beat the villains of a sudden do-re-mi-fa-ground but still the songs are not 100% successes.

Yet I remain hopeful, I would say that now is the ras-le-bol, it does not keep me from Kobato worship and follow his adventures. The anime never want the manga but a moment of sweetness in this world of shounen is always nice = D!

Tegami Bachi ( Anime ) 1-15

Synopsis: Amberground The territory is infested with monsters called Gaichuus and whose presence makes any travel perilous for humans. Nevertheless, will continue to send messages to loved ones remains. To meet his desires that exist Letter Bees. They have a mission to send any message to the recipient and this whatever the shape of the message and the route to take. To reach its destination without incident, they have weapons with special abilities enabling them to face the Gaichuus. However, this power to a backlash, one to absorb part the soul of its owner whenever it uses it.

Abandoned by his mother who was forcibly sent to the capital Akatsuki Lag Seeing is a young child whose destiny will be supported by Left Sweden a Letter Bee supposed to bring her aunt. The time spent in his company will restore some hope and a reason to live with such a willingness to become Letter Bee turn to fill with joy the heart of people and also to discover the truth behind the disappearance of her mother ...


And good and well that's another promising leads become repetitive and completely without inte ; interest rates, the story was really over and I go read the manga because I was really eager to discover more and must be read, the suite is great and we really want Lag follow on her journey to find Left and his other adventures.

Level Chart is sublime, the universe that we offer is beautiful these nuances blue / purple , I am almost love! Completion and Animation are excellent and I greatly OST, especially generics - has to
LSEWHERE I do not like the new generic >____\u0026lt; -

The problem stems mainly as Kobato , a rather bland hero
- unlike their manga version - . Indeed Lag is a pretty incredible whiner, I not really correct words to define it but he has not had a single episode without shedding a tear in the manga too sure, but the introduction of HS extension history and thus the number of times it weeps =__=".

Kobato As I will of course continue to follow the series and I hope with all my heart that these adjustments will catch up to the quality of their paper.

Pandora Hearts ( Anime ) 1-13

Synopsis: The young hero, Oz Bézarius is a noble ceremony at its maturity is judged by a group of people: the Baskervilles . He finds himself trapped in the Abyss . This place is full of " chains" that have powers. He met one of these "chains " which has the appearance of a young girl: Alice . This convinced him to sign a contract with them so they can escape from the Abyss . Thus he comes to escape and return home. But 10 years have passed in the real world and it has not changed ...

Impressions Not that I was reluctant to begin the series, but time has made me seriously lacking at the time of exit from the series. So I caught this error due to the insistence of some friends.

To be honest I struggled to hang u__u series, not just the beginning itself confused but I think the overall atmosphere and history are too long to put in place, we really wait for episode 10 - something like that-so that the series gives, or rather shows its true potential. Similarly, the pace the story is very strange now I feel that there is only one arc despite the "HS". The story is a bit heavy, as I said earlier, because it puts a lot of time to implement. Yet this is not so bad since the result is an r above-mentioned detailed work, which really makes you want to know more.

Then I must confess OST are a great asset to the series , I was totally ; subjugated by the OST; although we recognize the claw Fiction Junction , I already loved their work on Tsubasa but I must say that to Pandora is the same quality even higher. The graphics are very nice also no big mistakes if you can say.

Stay tuned = D!

Durarara! ( Anime ) 1-5

Synopsis: Ryuugamine Mikado is a teenager without stories never made one trip outside his city. Intending to find her childhood friend named Kida he has not seen for 4 years, he decided to move to Ikebukuro to continue his studies. Barely made the reunion, they go for a ride on the side of IWGP known for its numerous gang wars. While the police managed to mitigate this problem, others even more bizarre rumors continue to spread to it. A particularly widespread tells the existence of a mysterious headless biker who travels across the city. Although skeptical at first about this, the Mikado discovers the madness that reigns room in Ikebukuro and will at the same time, the opportunity to verify for himself the truth of the famous urban legend.


funny anime that here from what I've read the universe corresponds to another (indeed Durarara! is adaptation of a novel Ryohgo Narita, author of Baccano! ).

What about something new, it's funny, is murky (? XD) it's beautiful, it sounds good! What is perfect xD!

Currently I do not really feel there is a story if it is followed in Mikado ç ; a life every day. Yet if we look closer to history, or the less developed world is much more complex. It follows the story of each character and we soon saw that everything is related loan or later in the neighborhood crazy - because it must be said that I have the crazy x3 impression that in time the story really evolves at the speed of a snail, so when the end credits start is not limited if you start to shake his PC to give birth miraculously another episode XD!

Meanwhile as I said earlier style of narration is very special but really awesome> w \u0026lt;! It follows according episodes a day in the city according to one or plusieurspoints of view and we quickly realized that all the little stories that do not yet seem to be report, made Overlapping other is as though nothing had happened by chance! It is really an example from the episode 1, 3 & 4.

Obviously I will follow the series closely and eagerly await each episode!

Ookiku Furik drunk head ( Anime ) 1-7

Being the grand-son of the creator of his former school, Mihashi could become the ace of the baseball club as Despite the slow launch of his game having not want to give up her seat to a comrade more efficient because of its desire to play, he ended up being hated by the whole team decided to boycott the games. Mihashi loses confidence in him and joined the following year another school in hopes of playing as a pitcher. To his surprise, despite its weaknesses it is accepted by his new team, including Abe who try to cheer him up and convince him that he has all the qualities necessary for become a true ace. Hence, on the mound, Mihashi try to overcome his emotions to respond to the confidence that he placed his new friends. Together they give the best of themselves in order to spawn a path to the Koshien .


So what has been pushing me to watch an anime about baseball but this is not my type XD ... Well as for Brave Story -although I did not specify- few artists DeviantArt are involved XD! But I must say I do regret it. I feared an anime too seriously but this is not the case .

I found it really funny, it really does not take itself seriously in the ranking of players and their smiles are nonsense. I hooked faster than Pandora Heart I believe that history is unpacked quickly and the atmosphere is lighter;
-Yet compared to KHR just need 20 episodes to actually have a story but I >____> join immediately, in my opinion bishôs powa ^ ^ "-
From a technical point of view the realization is not bad, nice generics, the OST discrete -but it really does not bother in truth-
The only criticism I might make is that I found the game against Mihoshi extremely long, I must say that the fighting shounen as One Piece , which twenty episodes, I should be used and keep going but I found that 4 episodes and some for a game that was a little too u___u! -Gomenasai-

After I do not know if my mind is warped by my friends fangirls or series but the friendship between boys by Abe & Mihashi company when I am Caa I am a strange atmosphere at the relational level.

You'll understand everything is nice, it certainly is not Kobato and Dobato faces graphically but I ' Mihashi who likes too gnon, although somewhat despairing -and yes it is worse than Tuna- .

Stay tuned = D!
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Tsuna smiley © Artist who made them
Each serie belongs to its author
Sypnosis ©