Thursday, January 20, 2011

Maybelline Foundation Colour Chart


Originally posted by [info] pch_maya at post
hello. I mean, I wish you, your family, your children, your friend's health. this suggestion is certainly sincere.
here I quote a fragment of the music and vocals, shooting on the play. actress on stage, having such superb vocal abilities, playing the role, trying not to cough, and it hard to breathe. but it is not visible, it is all hiding. True, there on the scene, her diagnosis she still does not know. just too often ill, does not know why, and already accustomed to pretend that well. this is the year 2001. Actress name is Dasha Kalganov, she asks to show you this movie.

Dasha - actress Children's Music Theatre named after NI Sats. She Muscovite. This piece of performance-engagement of Krasnodar regional musical theater again blooming acacia "(a fantasy based on the operetta" White Acacia "Dunayevsky), directed by B. Zeitlin received in 2001 at the Festival Theatre Kuban "prize of the Seventh All-Russian theater festival" Golden Mask "for artistic innovation in the field of musical performance. "

correct diagnosis - cystic fibrosis Dasha put, if not strange, but when she was 28 years . She is now 35 years old. If be diagnosed from the beginning correctly and properly have been assigned and received treatment for her illness, not the most severe form, is still probably flowed would be almost hidden. Dasha is now in too poor condition. She was laid in the 57 th hospital after her oxygen saturation dropped to 35%. I'll tell you what it is. Norm - it is when on 96%. in one of my acquaintance, when she contracted pneumonia, saturation was 82%, from weakness as she lay, she could not take a mobile phone and answer the call. Dasha saturation 65% went to a rehearsal, rather, it is, of course, carried, put a dropper behind the scenes, but in rehearsal she attended.

And so after a car accident, occurred last year in which she suffered and her entire family. Mom Dashi, which keep everything, unfortunately, did not survive. Now caring for Dasha her father. Generally, it has a wonderful family, it is very delicate, light. Artistic family, they are not short-term and therefore was not rich. Dasha is able to smile always a feeling that the bad mood - this is not about her. She's just a hard worker. And now her doctors said, fight it and fight, without pathos, without ambitions. Such a task is simple.

To Dasha went to work, because the work for her - all she asked for assistance with a portable oxygen concentrator. It costs about 170 000rubley. Now she can not drive to work, even with oxygen, and we do not know what in the first place to collect money - in this oxygen or machine assisted ventilation. But I'll write about it in order for you to know about her life and to those who are near, it became more.

Thank you for your assistance and for preparing the video of our volunteer Sergei Yasinsky, head of the church hoz.sluzhby Cosmas and Damian Alexander Kremleva, director Christian film studio "Maria Natalia Kandudinu, programmer Alexey Koreneva. We thank everyone who helps.


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