Another set of circumstances ... usually check the mail in the morning, I mercilessly, sometimes with a sort of sadistic pleasure delete messages from a once selected lists, not even opened and did not bother to look at the contents .. today to uplift your mood and calm your nerves get up to mischief after an unsuccessful medknizhku attempt to update the local ASL, decided to inquire ... and could not tear myself away ..
Here they are laughing amazing miracle tips in an uneven fight Women's inquisitive mind with the impenetrable stupidity of the authorities ... just become engrossed in reading!
ps. even feel sorry for a moment was that my current boss - just ducky and honey ... but it would definitely check them in action:)
So enjoy:
Dressiruem boss: a feminine look
For example, here's Women's Council Room seven. What if an evil boss came into the room before you do? Calmly explain where you were and what went. If this is not a channel - suitable short "I pisela" or something like that.
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