Monday, February 28, 2011

Do Samsung Phones Work With Parrot

cri de coeur unfortunate interpreter

Of course, I understand everything, poetic translation, and other and other colorful words .. an attempt to avoid a dull gloss ... but how do you want to agree with THIS?? After the three options given by the stunning phrase as an example of the use of the word. Linguists and guardians of the exact language, hold the chair, not to fall! " For clarity, selected a favorite lilac.

Translated from Italian into Russian


  • 1) fragility, brittleness
  • 2 ) Perrin. weakness, feebleness
  • 3) Perrin. weakness, weakness
  • • •

    fragilità, il tuo nome è donna! - O woman! You the name of treachery!

ps. Well here's where treachery ask?? too broke translator in the desire pick up a poetic phrase and keep the rhythm? it is certainly understandable, original sin, the poor silly Adam and Eve in the artful collection of the Serpent, but to so baseless blame treachery! Ehhhh ... I disagree! Here!


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