Monday, February 28, 2011

Gc Tooth Mousse Boots

cade la pioggia

again begun to leak ... and the sky completely and, apparently, a long time. A favorite site weather forecasts also do not want to please: 3 more days (!!!) universal dampness and moisture ... ... brrrrrr want thick woolen socks to bite and heated, a huge fluffy blanket, a cup of scalding tea with a delicate aroma of lemon and a book ... but instead fate gives me an ice room, a laptop and boring translation for the whole week ... ehhhhh .....
's time, probably still fulfill its promise to honor a new apartment to buy a pair of child-like fun rubber boots. At least his legs will be grateful .....

ps. devilish want to sleep .. and even three cups of coffee drunk almost one after another, do not help ... that in general it is not surprising, given the total of some one and a half hours of sleep for a long night of fun and low pressure .. wake me, please, for the arrival of beloved head ...


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